Sunday, November 29, 2015


1. Stop being constantly disappointed! Everyday I see people being disappointed on social media with silly things like they missed a TV show, disappointed that their friend or family doesn't like or are not supportive of their new venture (could be business, personal or fitness), and if you can believe it some people are disappointed int he shape of the Reese Christmas Trees.   Focusing on disappointment around you trains your mind to FIND disappointment.  Disappointment means you are addicted to the way you wish things were and not how they actually are.  Stop having time to step into the energy of disappointment and find ways to APPRECIATE.  I have heard Tony Robbins live say "I must trade my expectations for appreciations" and it was life changing.
2. Forgive.  Everyone is human and whoa boy do we ALL make mistakes.  I have definitely done some doozies.  It is never worth holding a grudge.  Think for only a moment about it but how many times have you had a grudge where it consumed your thoughts for days if not years.  All that thinking power could have been put into way better use. Forgive people easier, during the time you have not forgiven them they could have passed away...if that thought leaves you questioning if you should have a grudge then drop it.
3. Be willing to do the work to build your dream, the life you envision yourself with.  It is in NO WAY easy and you will probably have to work harder than you ever have dreamed of but it will be worth it.  You WILL have your dreams WHEN you are willing to put in the effort long enough without a whole lot of payoffs in the beginning.
4. Show gratitude more often.  If someone holds the door open for you make sure you thank them or if someone has been doing the same thing for you everyday of your life (make you a meal) be sure to give them a heart felt thank you.
5. Remember to always tell your significant other you love them.  Look into their eyes and from your soul to theirs say "I Love You".  Send them a text during the day saying how much you love them. Do something everyday to show you are thinking about them.  (This one is for the guys: Call your significant other while she is at work and only say "Black dress 8pm." and hang up)
6. Work on education.  Everyday I spend at least 30 minutes reading a few chapter.  I also listen to audio books/seminars during the day (perfect while in the car).  This will add up over the years and hey the years are coming anyway so you might as well get wiser.
7. Schedule on a calendar YOU time.  Whether that is at the gym, going for a walk, home workout or as simple as doing a few squats in your kitchen while you are making something to eat.
8. Forget majoring in the minor things. Stuff happens in the world everyday and if it really is important you will hear about it. Too many people are focused on what is happening around them and what others think.  Focus on your own life...your own home.  Work on YOU!
9. Stop worrying about what others think of you.  At some point we are all worrying about what others are thinking and are afraid to look stupid.  Guess what?  If something thinks you are stupid that is their hang up, their insecurity.  There is no value on that interaction except the value you place on it.  If we all placed importance on what others thought of us their would never be companies like Apple or Alibaba or entertainers like Joan Collins or Oprah.  These people are exactly like you or I.  Their secret is they focused on their goal and never let what people said slow them down.
10. Time passes everyday and you will be amazed what you can accomplish with a little commitment and consistency.  Keep going and you will get there.

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