Monday, November 30, 2015


1. SET UP A CHALLENGE - Find a something to do between Thanksgiving and New Years to Create your own challenge, whether it involves trying a new bodyweight exercise every day, testing different yoga poses, or experimenting with an unfamiliar running workout.
2. USE PACKING TO MOTIVATE YOU - When packing my luggage for a trip, I make sure to pack my sneakers and at least a couple of workout outfits. It’s tough to make excuses when I have everything I need to exercise!
3. VARY IT UP - Try a new exercise for each bodypart every week. Add something new into your workout or if you don't have one start now with some squats. Using different exercises is not only fun, but will also help you develop your physique more evenly.
4. WALK - Walking is an easy way to burn calories and you can do it just about anywhere, so I look for opportunities to walk more during my travels. I’ll opt to take the stairs at the airport instead of the escalator and walk with my suitcase through the terminal instead of taking a shuttle or using one of the moving walkways. Walking before breakfast or after dinner with a family member is a great way to catch up with someones day while getting a little activity. 
5. WHERE'S THE GYM? - You might not be anywhere near your gym but you can still get a great workout in using just your bodyweight. Bodyweight workouts can be done anywhere using little to no equipment and usually take 20 minutes or less.
For example, set a timer for 20 minutes and see how many times you can go through the following circuit:
- 10 Burpees - 20 Mountain climbers - 30 Jumping Jacks - 40 Reps jumping rope or skip down the hall - 30 squats - 10 Push-ups - 10 Lunges

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