It's 2pm, your stomach starts to grumble and you think to yourself "Hmmmm what's quick and easy to eat?". Now if you are like most of us that either goes 1 of 2 ways. You either wait till dinner because you can't find something quick or grab something unhealthy. 
It's super important to eat something that won’t sabotage your weight-loss plans. Grab a whole grain cracker and dig into some guacamole packed with nutrients, or slaps some peanut butter on an apple. You can even spruce up a bowl of oatmeal with dark chocolate, nuts and berries. 
Snacking prevents you from overeating later in the day, and actually boosts your metabolism which in turn, triggers weight loss and keeps your energy levels high. It is also an effective way to add extra nutrients in the diet which are usually missing from your daily food intake.
Here are 5 simple tips to help with your snacking.
It is so simple to grab a bag of chips or scarf down a pint of ice cream before crashing at night but follow these rules and you will be way better off. 
  1. Don't get bored! Nothing more important than keeping it fun. Vary it up all the time while keeping it in line with nutrition.
  2. Snack every 2-3 hours in order to keep your metabolism boosted. The frequency of meals is very important since it maintains your metabolism and facilitates easy digestion.
  3. Combine protein with carbohydrates. Carbs provide both your body and brain with energy, plus protein-packed foods help keep you full longer because they take more time for your body to process. Try eating fruit with nuts. 
  4. Studies show that snacking and multitasking is a guaranteed way to pack on some pounds. If you eat without any distractions, including the TV, you tend to feel more satisfied and actually eat less the rest of the day. Some people are so used to snacking while watching TV that it's hard to break the habit. One of the best ways is to always have a water bottle on hand so when you feel like snacking you can drink water instead. 
  5. Healthy eating requires planning. Working over 8 hours a day can make it difficult to snack healthy unless you plan ahead. Every Sunday, prepare for the week ahead. Making healthy muffins or granola bars for the week can set you up perfectly. 
Tomorrow will be all about easy recipes so hold on tight.