Monday, December 28, 2015


Fuel Up on the Right Breakfast The last thing you may want to do after a food binge is eat more the next morning, but having a morning meal is essential to getting yourself back on track. Choose a breakfast that includes a balance of lean protein and finer. Having foods high in insoluble fiber like whole grains can help eliminate that bloated feeling.
Reset Your Idea of Portions If you are anything like my your portion sizes ballooned during the holidays. Something similar to the Good Year blimp. Remember, the goal is to feel comfortably full—not overstuffed. Using a salad plate, which is usually eight or nine inches in diameter, can help someone visualize what a reasonable-size plate should look like and slow down when eating so your stomach has time to realize there is food in there. 
Potassium is Your New Best Friend You know you have to cut back on salt to de-bloat, but did you also know you should stock up on foods that are high in potassium? It can help your flatten your stomach by flushing out excess sodium in your system. Try potassium-rich bananas, raisins, milk, and yogurt.
Eat Your Greens Low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, greens are essential to jump-starting any new eating plan. Dark, leafy greens are hands down some of the best things you can eat. Kale is perfect because of its versatility. You can stir-fry it, blend it in a smoothie, or make chips out of the leaves. 
Don’t skip meals As with missing breakfast, skipping other meals can also have a slowing effect on your metabolism. Try to organise your day so that you have time to eat three healthy meals at regular intervals and have healthy snacks throughout the day. Plan ahead to make sure healthy options are available and keep healthy snacks on hand in case a meal is delayed.
Stop Adding Sweeteners For detoxing, banishing the sweet stuff is the way to go. I advise against artificial sweeteners and suggests green stevia powder if you must sweeten your morning coffee or tea or honey. If you need a sweet kick while snacking, naturally sweet fruits like dates, figs, and berries are awesome.
Drink more water Being well hydrated has a positive effect on your metabolism. Try to drink water before every meal and increase your intake of high water foods, such as fruit and vegetables, to keep yourself hydrated and remember that if you are working out or living in a hot climate you will need to drink even more.
Avoid Carbonation If you're trying to get back to your healthy habits, don't reach for sugary sodas. Although bubbly drinks like seltzer or diet soda contain no calories, they still have air, which can get trapped in your body and leave you feeling like a balloon. Now's the best time to return to good old water; try dropping in ginger root slices for flavor and to help with digestion or Kim Lyons water recipe.
Get enough sleep Studies have shown that those who sleep less tend to be more likely to be overweight. Lack of sleep may slow down your metabolism and often also results in overeating due to tiredness.
To boost your metabolism try to get sufficient sleep every night and develop a routine for going to bed and waking up.
Start working out If you don’t already work out, the end of the holiday season is a great time to start a new regime. If you have slacked off over the period, it’s also a great time to kick start your workout and up the intensity.
Not only does cardiovascular exercise burn calories whilst you are doing it, it also boosts your metabolism for a few hours after you stop working out. High intensity work outs are thought to have a bigger effect on boosting metabolic rate after a session than lower intensity steady state workouts.

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