Thursday, December 17, 2015


Remember why you started. There is no better way to get fired up than to remember why you started in the first place. Revisit that place in your minds eye that said "I need to improve".
We all get negative some times. We begin to focus on all of the things that are going wrong and start saying things like ‘what’s the point?’ It's essential to change that train of thought and you can do this by flipping your focus with powerful questions like these:
– Why do I want to achieve this? – (Write down 5 reasons why you WANT to get it done.)
– How will I feel when I have overcome every obstacle and achieved the goal? (Get in touch with how amazing it will feel.)
– What will it cost me in 10 years time if I give up? (Really feel the pain associated with how your life will suffer in the future.)
Visualize the burning fire in your mind’s eye and as you feel the motivation grow when you answer each question. Focus all the way up until the fire become a blazing Inferno!
Review or make your plan. Decide on the first steps along the journey from the difficult place you are now in towards your ultimate triumph. The real power in this process comes with action. As soon as you have created the steps, begin to take them. This will allow you to build momentum very fast and make progress to the extent where you will start to ‘forget’ that you even entertained the idea of giving up. Ask yourself: What things can I do right now to move me in the direction of my GOALS? 
Keep it fun All of us need change and variety to stay motivated. We also need to have fun — even while we’re working hard. Do both!
For your personal goals make sure to vary your routine up. It's good to get into routine but have a day where you change it up to challenge yourself. 
When you are working out the variety also challenges your body in unique ways, which may introduce you to new muscle groups you didn’t even know you had. If you are used to hitting the gym to lift some weights try a boxing class or a HIIT class and if you are used to classes try a weight workout. Again the most important part is to have fun and keep yourself challenged. 
Ask for help Most of us have a hard time asking for help. For some crazy reason we have it in our head that we must do it alone. There are virtually no successful people that went it alone. 
Find a friend that has the same goal as you whether it be fitness or business or even family and plan a schedule together. It’s easy to hit the snooze button or wait till the next day when it’s just you, but much harder to leave a friend waiting.
Join a meet up group or online community with support from other people trying to lose weight and maintain healthy eating and exercise routines. People who get this kind of online support are proven to lose three times more weight than people going it alone.
Lobbying your workplace to offer on-site fitness, yoga or Pilates classes will also support your mission for a healthy lifestyle.
Set yourself up for a lifetime of better health, more happiness, and more energy for everything else in your life.

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