Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The 3 main things to setting and hitting your 2016 goals!

The big one is to break down your goals so you can hit them.  
For instance if your goal this year is to make double what you made last year then there are 2 things you can do.  You must either work twice as hard or you learn a new skill that will allow the income to grow.

Also it is important to look at the comparison from last year to this year and lay out what you have to do different to attain that goal.  For a lot of people this comes down to eliminating time wasters.  It is super easy to watch TV or play on the internet for hours without actually learning anything or getting ahead.  Hey we all like those things (me included) but it is amazing what you can achieve if you limit yourself to only certain nights or only weekends to do that.  10 minutes a day is an extra 60 hours in a year to learn something new or to achieve your fitness goal.

The next one is don't just set big goal huge goals.  Make sure you set goals that are trackable and measurable.  It has to be something you can track weekly or monthly.  Fitness is a super easy one for this because you can track your weight or your measurement or even feel how easy something has become over the weeks.

Most people don't want to workout and have a hard time doing this.  That's the reality but everyone can do it and achieve a healthy lifestyle.  It only takes a goal that you really want to hit.  Okay so it does take a few months of consistency to really become easy and second nature but it sure is worth it when you get it.

Now the last one is to have an accountability partner.  Telling someone your goals and asking for them to give you a hand is super important.  Very few people hit their goals without help.  If you think athletes get to the top of their game without help then you are very much mistaken.   I think as we grow up some of us are taught to do things on our own and thats the best way.  Get that out of your head now and it will help out soooooo much.  It took me a while to realize that it has nothing to do with weakness or any other silly misconceptions I had in my head but asking for help has turned my business around as well as my personal life.  I suggest once you have figured out your goals for this year to ask for a little assistance.

Hitting goals takes work but it is always worth it when you arrive.

If you haven't joined my Facebook group and are looking for a little accountability please join in www.facebook.com/groups/nutriequest

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