Friday, January 22, 2016


I get this all the time....Someone has started their program of changing from unhealthy to healthy but their family isn't on board. 

This can be really difficult if you are not in the right headspace and feel your family isn't giving you the support you need. 

Here are 22 ways to help you and your family out with your new adventure. 

1. Don’t suddenly overhaul your family’s diet. Start small with one healthy change at a time.

2. Be a role model. Eat the nutritious foods you want your family to eat.

3. Nudge, don’t nag. You want your family to want nutritious foods.

4. Introduce new foods gradually and prepare them a few different ways to see what everyone likes best.

5. Stock healthy snacks in plain view—place a bowl of fruit on the counter, for example.

6. Eat nutritious meals together as a family. They don’t have to be fancy, just delicious.

7. Have the kids choose one vegetable they want to help prepare that week.

8. When making casseroles, meatloaf, chili, soups and stews, toss in some grated, chopped, or pureed vegetables, too!

9. Avoid using the word healthy when describing a meal you are making to the family.  Healthy scares off some people and think everything healthy tastes crappy. 

10. Explore new ways to prepare veggies. If you usually steam, try roasting or grilling. Start by trying some easy, 5-star recipes online.

11. Teach your family to honor their hunger cues. When they tell you they’re full, don’t insist they clean their plate.

12. Take pride in food presentation. Research shows beautiful food actually tastes better. Theres a reason they make meals look awesome at fancy restaurants.  They know the psychology. 

13. Get your family involved in meal planning and food prep. For example, have your family choose something to eat for Meatless Monday.

14. Limit fruit juice intake to one 6-ounce glass per day. Any more than that and those calories will quickly add up. Have your family work on increasing their water intake. 

15. Have fun with healthy foods to make them more appealing to family. Try making celery boats, or cutting fruit and vegetables into fun shapes with small cookie cutters. Even just cutting them up makes a big difference because not it is a simple grab and go item.

16. Stir frozen vegetables into canned soups or frozen entrees. This is something everyone can do when they’re fending for themselves.

17. Select snacks that provide around 150 to 200 calories, and also make sure they contain some protein, fiber, or healthy fats.

18. Join a group. If your family won't give you the support you need get help elsewhere.  Online dieters who got more social support from others who logged on too lost more weight (at least 8 percent of their body weight) than those who were going it solo, according to a Northwestern University study.  CLICK HERE to join my Facebook group. 

19. Adopt a “No Sugar-Sweetened Drink Policy” at home. Make milk or water the go-to beverage at mealtime and save soda, fruit punch, and sports drinks for special occasions.

20. Learn a few healthy ingredient swaps, such as using Greek yogurt in place of sour cream, or coconut oil instead of butter in baked goods, to cut down on saturated. Simple substitutions go a long way in helping your family eat more healthfully.

21.  Never give up.  Some meals are going to bomb and suck but that's all about learning how to eat more healthy.  Yes your family is going to complain a little but in the long run you are doing yourself and your family a massive service.  

22. Limit fast food outings. If eliminating fast food completely seems too harsh for your family, limit it to special occasions or treats. In our house, when it’s someone’s birthday, they get to pick what we eat for dinner. They can order pizza, get McDonald’s, have a favourite meal made at home…whatever they like.

When you’re making exciting changes to your life and accomplishing health goals left and right, you feel amazing. You’re more confident in your choices and your abilities.  It’s hard to argue with a confident, happy person who’s obviously cooking, moving, and living in a way that works for them.

Healthy people are more happy.  If you aren't on meds, can move about freely and don't go to the doctor every other week how much better do you think life is?

Tyler Farstad
Automatic Body Coach

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