Wednesday, January 6, 2016


How many times have you set a goal but not hit it?  Maybe it was out of reach or maybe it was "too hard".

In reality the reason most goals are hit is they don't motivate you enough.

Here are 4 ways to help you achieve your goals this year.

1) It is super important to make sure the goal is important to you.  There also has to be value in achieving them.  When you have little interest in the outcome is when you fail at the goal. You have to look inside, deep down, to figure out if that goal is really a goal and you must achieve it or its a wish and maybe someday it will magically happen.

The goals you set have to be high priorities in your life.  When you have too many goals you leave way too little time to focus on each one.  They require a high level of commitment and it has to have a sense of urgency attached to it.  When that is not there you tend to put off what is needed to make the goal a reality.  This, of course, leads you to feeling disappointed and frustrated with yourself which ends up starting the cycle of never achieving the goals you set and makes you feel like poop!

A good way to figure if the goal is what you want is to write down why it is important to you and how or what it will do for you.  

2) You might have heard of the acronym "SMART" goals but if not it stands for;

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time sensitive
The goal must be very clear and well defined.  If it is vague and foggy then you won't have enough direction.  Goals need to show you the way.  The more clear and defined the easier they become

Goals need to be able to be measured so you can tell when you are successful.  Sometimes the measurements are so small that you normally wouldn't see the positive results so make sure all goals are being tracked.

It is important that goal is actually something that can be done.  Yes its great to shoot for the moon but if its something you really have no hope of achieve it will only chip away at your confidence and demotivate you. 

Whatever direction you are heading in life or business make sure your goals are congruent with that direction.  By having goals that align with what you are doing you will develop the focus you need to get ahead and achieve what you want.   Get rid of the goals that don't line up and you will most likely waste time and the years will go by with nothing ever changing.

Time sensitive
Set your goals to have a timeline so you know when to celebrate.  Also with a deadline your sense of urgency is increased and your achievement will happen that much faster. 

3) The simple act of writing down goals makes it that much more real and tangible.  When it is there in front of you and you can see it written down you are way less likely of putting it on the back burner. It is super important as you write down your goals you use powerful words such as "will" and "choose".  Writing with those words as opposed to "would like to", "might", "have to" or "should" will have much more impact internally.  You also want to make sure everything is positive.  Saying "I want to get my fat butt into the gym" isn't going to do it.  

4) This one is one that most people forget to work on.   You must have an action plan to get your goal.  It's super important to write down how you are going to get from A to B.  Besides no knowing how you are actually going to do it, you can also check off as you accomplish each step.

Goals are hard and everyone knows that.  Not many people actually hit their goals or never get started.  Be different and set a goal you truly want to hit.  Getting that goal is one of the best feelings in the world.   

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